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Liberty Weekly Update

Week of February 9, 2025

Monday, February 10

- PTO Calendar Fundraiser Due

Tuesday, February 11


Wednesday, February 12

- Spring Pictures

Thursday, February 13

- Wellness Night at the Middle School 5:30 pm

Friday, February 14

- No School for Student, PD Day for Staff

- PTO Valentines Dance 5:30 pm


Upcoming Events 

Monday, February 17

- Presidents' Day, No School

Wednesday, February 19

- 5th Grade Career Day



  • Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. If you or someone you know has a child that will be 5 years old on or before August 1st, 2025, they are eligible to start kindergarten next school year. Please go to the district website for more information.
  • Kindergarten Registration
  • The i-Ready Classroom Challenge continues at school.

  • The Art Fundraiser continues through February 13th.  The following link provides more information about the fundraiser.  If you have questions please email Mrs. Shuby at
  • Art to Remember Fundraiser
Wellness Night


PreK Flier
Youth Football


This week at Liberty.

NED's Mindset Mission assembly was held on Friday, February 7th at Liberty Elementary.  The NED Show uses storytelling, humor and yo-yo tricks while talking to students about the importance of having a positive mindset. 

The Ned Show
The Ned Show
The Ned Show



Congratulations, Liberty staff, students, and parents 

for a 4.5 out of 5 rating on our school report card!

Click this link for a complete summary of Liberty Elementary Building's 2023-24 school report card.


Beginning the 2023-2024 school year, Ohio’s 134th General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 288 which updated the prescribed curriculum for health education, adding requirements related to child sexual abuse prevention, dating violence prevention and sexual violence prevention. The law also includes parent and legal guardian notification and training for school personnel. This information will be presented to your student within the next couple of weeks. For more detailed information, please click on the link below.

Drop Off Reminders

  • Just a few friendly reminders to keep our drop-off line moving in the mornings:
    • If you are the first car along the curb, please pull all the way up to the first blue cone.
    • Students should use the entire sidewalk between the cones to exit vehicles.
    • Your child should remain in your vehicle until the bell rings at 9:00 am.
    • Parents should not park and walk through the parking lot. If your child needs help opening the car door, one of the staff members outside will help.
    • If your child has a snack/treat/or extra things to carry, please do not park. Come through the line and a staff member will help him/her.
    • Please have your child seated on the passenger side of the vehicle so he/she can exit closest to the sidewalk.
    • Remind your child to walk on the sidewalk near the cones after he/she exits your vehicle.
    • The tardy bell rings at 9:15, your child should be in the building before the bell rings.


Final Forms

  • If you have not already done so, please access your Final Forms account and update your information. We ask that these forms be completed ASAP.
  • NEW: A new form has been loaded into Final Forms. Please double-check that all your information is accurate.


Free Breakfast and Lunch Program

  • For the 2024-2025 school year, school breakfast and lunch will be free for ALL students.


  • If you are interested in before- or after-school care (6:30 am-9:00 am, 3:30 pm-6:30 pm), please sign up on the Boys & Girls Club of Marion County—River Valley at

  • The following link is for the Liberty Elementary Supply Lists.

Liberty Elementary Supply Lists 2024-2025

Important Dates

Thursday, February 13th - Wellness Night @ Middle School

Friday, February 14th - PTO Valentines Dance

Letters & Forms

Student Fees Letter


School Menus